I saw this and thought of many of my hANS PT patients/moms.
For many of you, this is so perfect to remember and embrace!
Have you ever felt like you're a mom, a wife, juggling too many balls in the air all at once?
Does being a mom ever make you feel like your family comes first?
Do you ever get the chance to remember who you are- outside of being a "mom" and/or "wife"?
Take the time this week to remember- while being a "mom" can be incredibly fulfilling- there is so much more to you than that label. What part of you has been missing? Give yourself the love to explore and be that perfectly imperfect "you" again.
In what way could you let go of any of your typical "mom" responsibilities this week... and really embrace that wonderful feeling of disorganized imperfection?
Go ahead, give it a shot!