The assumption when our patients are experiencing exasperating tooth pain is that there’s an infection. Often that’s the case… until it isn’t.
I have an incredible endodontic referral source that myself and others are convinced is at the very highest levels of endodontic care. Because he is so intuitive at knowing when-
A root canal IS NOT indicated. And I've seen that-
For this- he earns the ultimate respect from his patients
These patients gush over him when they see me because invariably he helps his patients avoid an expensive unnecessary procedure.
But how??
Because he has the unique ability to recognize muscular myofascial pain that directly leads to non-odontogenic tooth pain.
Many of these patient have had multiple dental procedures through the years that they just can’t seem to resolve.
I've seen it and often resolved it and-
I love the satisfaction of helping these patients!
Rather than have me talk about what I see from a muscle perspective- I would absolutely love to have this Endodontist present on what he identifies from a dental perspective. To share what helps him identify an excellent referral candidate. I know he has given a number of talks on this throughout the last decade that I’ve worked with him.
If you’re interested- let me know know and I’ll see if I can present an opportunity for this acclaimed Endodontist to speak on this topic.
But here below are my 3 Keys
1. They present with Autonomic Hyperarousal- signs include anxiety, PTSD, panic attacks, Type A tendencies, OCD tendencies and catastrophizing.
2. They often have limited and/or assymetrical neck motion/discomfort
3. They will have either strong SCM/trapezius/masseter tenderness to palpation aka Myofasical Pain.