Services- hANS head And Neck Specialty - Denver, CO
At hANS head And Neck Specialty, we offer
the following specialty services:
*First U.S. Doctoral Program Trained in-
Norwegian Orthopedic Manual Therapy
including Breakthrough Immediate Relief- Providing
Joint Mobilization-Manipulation
*TMJ/Orofacial Care including
*Headaches- Migraine & Tension
*TMJ Pain
*Tinnitus/Ear Fullness/Pain
*Recurrent Sinusitis
*Pre-Orthodontic Care
*Orofacial Dry Needling
*Facial/Head Trauma
Pre/Post-Tongue Tie Surgery
*Pre/Post TMJ Surgery- Arthrocentesis, Arthroplasty & Arthrotomy
*Travell method TMJ, Neck, Facial Needling
(Click below for more details)
Neck/Upper Back/Shoulder